The returns of Dana Kramer
and Thomasina Mason
Marley is in her hospital room, with Roman’s bassinet next to her, and Tyrone walks in.
Tyrone: Marley you need to sleep.
Marley: I’m not sleeping.
Tyrone: You need to rest.
Marley: I had a feeling this would happen. With Reginald out there, anything is possible.
Tyrone: Well you’re gonna be no good to our son if you don’t rest. I’ll watch the baby.
Marley: I’m not letting him out of my sight. I hope that homewrecker gets what she deserves.
Tyrone: Do you think your grandfather put her up to it?
Marley: I don’t know what their connection would be...except…
Tyrone: Except what?
Marley: He exploited it. He used your past connection with her to try and kidnap our baby. Your past comes back to haunt us again.
Tyrone: Marley…
Marley: If you never had an affair with Joy, this never would have happened.
Tyrone: No I didn’t just hear this. Are you saying that it’s my fault that Joy tried to kidnap our son?
Donna and Vicky wait outside the interrogation room.
Vicky: Where’s dad?
Donna: He took Bridget and Michele home.
Vicky: My God this night gets longer and longer. I’m gonna sleep for three days straight.
Donna: Tell me about it. First Carl dying and now this. What does that girl want with Tyrone and Marley’s son? Maybe she’s not over Tyrone completely.
Steven walks in and Vicky has her back turned to him.
Vicky: Well whatever it is, I hope Steven finally sees Joy for the snake that she is.
Donna sees Steven and walks up to him.
Donna: Steven, honey, you were involved with her?
Steven: Yeah grandma.
Vicky: Steven I’m sorry you had to find out this way.
Steven: About what? Is that your subtle way of telling me ‘I told you so.’
Vicky: Not only is she a homewrecker, she’s a kidnapper, too.
Steven: This doesn’t make sense.
Vicky: No it sure doesn’t. How a smart doctor would get involved with someone who nearly destroyed your Aunt Marley’s marriage.
Steven: It doesn’t add up. It doesn’t seem like she just woke up this morning and decided she wanted to kidnap Roman.
Donna: What are you saying honey? Do you think she’s working with someone else?
Steven: Or someone is putting the screws to her. Someone forced her to do this. I can think of only one person…
Donna: My father.
Vicky: Oh no, you’re not gonna blame Reginald for this! Joy acted on her own free will. She put herself up to this, and she needs to pay.
Meanwhile, they notice two women approach an officer and Vicky and Donna seem to know them. As they walk past Donna and Vicky, they stop them.
Vicky: Wait a minute. Thomasina? Dana Kramer?
Donna: What are you doing here?
Thomasina: I’d love to chat but there’s something we have to do first.
Joy is in an interrogation room, and Toni walks in.
Toni: His Ms. Kramer. You’re in very serious trouble.
Joy: It’s not what it looks like. I was forced to do this.
Toni: You didn’t look coerced to me. You look like you acted alone; on your own volition.
Joy: I would never kidnap an innocent child!
Toni: You know a lot of criminals say that. They give reasons why they committed their crimes.
Joy: I am not a criminal! Like I told you I had no choice. I did what I had to do.
Toni: You kidnapped a newborn baby. You put an innocent life in danger Ms. Kramer. Actions like that carry consequences. Kidnapping.
Joy: Reginald Love forced me to do this!
Toni: Oh is that right?
Joy: Yes it is. He said he would kill someone I loved if I didn’t get his great grandson.
Toni: Well that’s funny. If he put you up to the kidnapping, did he also put you up to the Harbor Club fire? Should we add arson to the list of charges you’re facing?
Joy: You don’t understand...
Toni: Did Reginald make you burn down the Harbor Club?
Thomasina and Dana walk in and Joy gets out of her chair.
Joy: Thomasina? Oh my God.
Thomasina and Joy hug.
Thomasina: We’re gonna get you out of this honey. We know this wasn’t your fault.
Dana: Don’t say another word Joy.
Tyrone: I thought we were past this.
Marley: I guess...I’m never gonna forget it.
Tyrone: That was a mistake Marley. I regret putting our marriage in jeopardy, and you blaming this on me is irrational.
Marley: Look I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to throw that up in your face. I’m just upset that our baby was almost taken from us tonight.
Tyrone walks over and rubs Marley’s shoulders.
Tyrone: Reginald would have found another way to try to get to our son.
Marley: I’m not gonna let him.
Tyrone: We are not gonna let him. Right now you need to sleep. We’re taking Roman home tomorrow.
There’s a silence…
Tyrone: Marley?
Tyrone looks over, lies next to his wife, and holds her while she sleeps.
Steven: Who are they?
Donna: Thomasina Todd and Dana Kramer.
Vicky: You think they’re related somehow?
Steven: Joy told me that Lily Mason is her mother.
Vicky: And Thomasina’s aunt.
Donna: And Dana?
Steven: Maybe another cousin?
Vicky: I dunno. Wait a minute. They’re gonna try and get her off!
Steven: It’s good that she...has family in her corner.
Vicky: Steven you never cease to amaze me. Don’t tell me you believe that Joy’s a victim in all of this. The real victim is Roman. She tried to kidnap your little cousin!
Donna: Vicky I don’t think you should jump to conclusions. You know what my father is capable of.
Vicky: He’s not even in the United States! He’s been deported to Tanquir. How can he be pulling any strings here?
Donna: Victoria you know that it’s very possible for Reginald to have his great grandchildren kidnapped. He tried to kidnap Bridget remember?
Vicky: It’s convenient is what it is! Blame grandfather for everything! Oh no this is Joy’s fault!
MEANWHILE...Joy is in the interrogation room with Thomasina, Dana, and Toni.
Joy: I’m so happy to see you. Please tell Detective Burrell that Reginald Love forced me to kidnap Roman Montgomery.
Thomasina: I will.
Dana: Detective Burrell. I hear congratulations are in order.
Toni: Yes I was recently promoted to Chief of Detectives.
Dana: Great, I’d like to have a word with my client.
Toni sighs with frustration.
Dana: Oh and since you’re the new C.O.D., you should do your job and look for evidence against Joy.
Toni: Believe me, I have my guys on it. I’ve secured a warrant to search her place. We have reason to believe that she’s also connected to the fire at the Harbor Club.
Thomasina: We should leave Detective. I’d like to talk to you.
Thomasina and Toni leave the interrogation room, and Dana and Joy are alone.
Joy: How are you gonna get me off of these charges?
Dana: Normally I’d ask you tell me everything, but I know everything that I need to know.
Joy: So you know Reginald Love threatened to kill Thomasina if I didn’t do what he wanted?
Dana: Yeah little sister.
Joy: Sister? My mother told me…
Dana: That we’re cousins? No, Marshall Edward Kramer III is my father, too.
Joy: So mom lied about that, too.
Dana: Let’s focus here.
Joy: On when I’m going to jail?
Dana takes out her cell phone and calls someone.
Dana: Neil? Did you do it? Good. Thanks.
Dana presses “end call” and turns to Joy.
Joy: Who’s Neil?
Dana: Don’t worry about it. I’ve got everything handled. You won’t see be seeing the inside of a jail cell.
Meanwhile, Thomasina gives Toni an envelope.
Toni: What’s in here?
Thomasina: Medical records. I was hospitalized for a while. The doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. Turns out I was being poisoned by Reginald Love.
Toni: You look fine to me.
Thomasina: I only got the antidote when Joy did what he wanted her to do.
Toni: So you’re saying that she was under some kind of duress.
Thomasina: Yes she was.
Toni: What’s your connection to her?
Thomasina: She’s my cousin, but I didn’t raise her to kidnap little babies. She’s a kind girl. Reginald should be the one you’re trying to catch...not her.
Vicky and Steven walk up to them.
Steven: So Reginald is behind this?
Vicky: Joy is responsible!
Thomasina: Vicky?
Vicky: Joy has fooled my son into thinking she’s a good person.
Thomasina: She is a good person. You should be blaming your grandfather for what she did.
Steven: I knew she wasn’t capable of acting alone on this.
Thomasina: No honey she’s not. Wait...Vicky you said he was your son.
Steven: I’m Dr. Steven Frame.
Thomasina: It’s good to meet you. You..seem to care about Joy a lot.
Steven: I do.
Vicky: I can’t believe this. I don’t care if Reginald put her up to it. She could have refused.
Thomasina: I was being poisoned if she didn’t do what he asked.
Two officers walk into the station and up to Toni.
Toni: So what did you find?
Officer #1: We didn’t find anything.
Toni: What do you mean you didn’t find anything? Look again.
Officer#2: We all looked four or five times through her place. We found absolutely nothing.
Toni: You mean to tell me that you found nothing connecting her to the Harbor Club fire?
Officer#2: We’re sorry boss.
Tonoi: Did you obtain surveillance footage from the hospital?
Officer#1: We did, but I have to tell you, it was very inconclusive. We can’t see Joy’s face in it.
Dana walks up to them with a smirk on her face.
Dana: Umm Detective Burrell? Anything?
Toni: We’re still looking. We can still hold Joy for forty eight hours.
Dana: I’ll have a judge order her release. Face it you have no evidence to charge my client with a crime.
Meanwhile, someone is out on the docks next to a burning gas can. He then looks at a laptop with footage of Joy taking Roman from the nursery. He takes that DVD, along with three other DVDs, and throws it in the fire along with the gas can.
Toni: If there’s evidence out there we’ll find it.
Dana turns around, mutters under her breath and smiles.
Dana: Good luck with that.