Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips
Written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson
Consultant: A. Washington Beeby
Also: Steven shocks Vicky; Matt makes an important decision on Brianna's request to leave Bay City
- Felicia was lured to Christy Carson's suite. Christy held Felicia at gunpoint and forced Felicia to drink a bottle of vodka and take flurazepam
- Brianna Jameson came to Bay City seeking revenge on John and Sharlene Hudson, as she blames them for her mother's death (Taylor Benson). Taylor died, but not before wishing that Brianna would "finish" Sharlene Hudson. Brianna has already tampered with Sharlene's brakes and tried to run her down in the hospital parking garage. Christy was the only other person who knows that Brianna is Taylor's daughter. Frankie, John, and Sharlene are seeking to make a connection between Brianna and Taylor
- Michele switched Bridget's tests at the hospital to make it look like she had chlamydia. It leads to Cory breaking up with Bridget. As a result of that false positive test (it was originally negative), Bridget was prescribed an antibiotic which caused her go into anaphylactic shock and into a medically induced coma
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Mitch Blake |
MITCH: Herbal?
FELICIA: Thank you honey but I can’t think about tea right now.
MITCH: Jenna or Lorna?
MITCH: I’m sure they’re doing everything they can to find Christy.
FELICIA: Well apparently they’re not doing enough.
MITCH: Calling Jenna and Lorna constantly is not going to solve the problem.
FELICIA: Outside of looking for her myself, what do you suggest I do? She threatened my family before she forced me to down those pills. What if she’s planning to attack Jenna or Lorna?
MITCH: Didn’t you just speak to them? They’re gonna be fine.
FELICIA: I did but…you don’t understand.
FELICIA: You can’t guarantee that. She’s gotta pay for what she’s done.
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Devin Hutchins |
DEVIN: Hey grandma.
FELICIA: Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes? Come in.
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Dante Carlino |
FELICIA: Dante. Please come in.
DANTE: You would be correct.
FELICIA: So have you found Christy?
DANTE: I do have news about her, and it isn’t good.
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John Hudson |
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Sharlene Hudson |
SHARLENE: Why would you need that?
JOHN: I’m scheduled to meet with the board.
SHARLENE: The board? What happened?
JOHN: They said I prescribed Flurazepam to Felicia.
SHARLENE: You write prescriptions all the time. What’s wrong with this one?
JOHN: It’s the drug that they found in Felicia’s system after Cass and Frankie found her.
SHARLENE: It sounds like they’re making you responsible for what she did with the drugs. It doesn’t make any sense.
JOHN: Her Primary Care Doctor didn’t authorize it, so I have to answer for it.
SHARLENE: It doesn’t seem like you would go rogue like that.
JOHN: That’s the thing. I didn’t. Someone broke into my doctor portal and wrote the prescription in my name.
SHARLENE: I’m sure you’ll be cleared of all of this.
JOHN: I gotta get outta here. Are you gonna be alright?
SHARLENE: I’m gonna be just fine.
JOHN: I don’t like leaving you here, especially with Brianna out there.
SHARLENE: Did you forget that you bought some protection for me?
JOHN: I just want you and Gregory to be safe. Alright I’m going.
SHARLENE: Good luck.
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Matt Cory |
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Brianna Jameson |
BRIANNA: I don’t quite know how I want to say what I want to say.
MATT: Just…say it?
MATT: Why?
BRIANNA: Don’t you get it? I want to leave town…with you.
MATT: That sounds good. I’d love to get away for a while.
BRIANNA: No. I’m talking about for good. Let’s leave Bay City together.
MATT: Babe you know I can’t do that.
BRIANNA: Well why not?
MATT: Well for starters I have my family here; my work.
BRIANNA: Your family? Everybody’s an adult.
MATT: That has nothing to do with it. My life is here.
MATT: And why can’t we have that here?
BRIANNA: Don’t you want a fresh start? Somewhere where nobody knows us? There’s no history; no baggage; no memories. We can have our own lives. It’s really a no brainer if you think about it.
MATT: Brianna what is this really about? What’s really going on?
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Steven Frame |
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KC Burrell |
KC: What’s going on?
STEVEN: Are you enjoying yourself?
KC: Why wouldn’t I?
STEVEN: Join the rest of us. You’re kinda off in a corner by yourself.
KC: Oh it’s not intentional. I’m just…observing.
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Joy Kramer |
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Allen Love |
ALLEN: My Aunt Donna really did it up for Bridget.
JOY: Yes she sure did. I wonder where Vicky is.
ALLEN: I don’t see Michele either. I’m sure they’re on their way.
JOY: You know…Vicky doesn’t really like me.
ALLEN: Sorry to hear that.
JOY: But Steven loves me, and she’s just gonna have to accept it.
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Donna Love |
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Marley Hudson Montgomery |
MARLEY: Sleeping. I wanna get him upstairs before he wakes up.
DONNA: Okay it’s so good to see you both.
BRIANNA: I’d rather go where nobody knows us. We can start anew…together…you and me.
MATT: But Brianna I still don’t understand why you feel the need for us to leave.
MATT: What does my mother have to do with this?
MATT: What exactly did she say?
BRIANNA: You know it was really nothing. She just wants you to be happy.
MATT: When it comes to my mom it’s not just nothing.
MATT: She meddled in my brother’s love life. I won’t let her do that with us.
BRIANNA: Well then if…if that’s the case. If we’re not here she can’t poke her nose into our relationship right? I mean at least it would be harder.
MATT: It would be.
BRIANNA: Look I’m sorry to spring this on you so suddenly. If you need some time to think about it, I understand.
MATT: No I won’t need any time.
BRIANNA: What are you saying?
MATT: There’s no need for us to wait. I’ll do it. Let’s blow this Bay City pop stand.
DANTE: This isn’t about where Christy is.
MITCH: Well then haul her in!
DANTE: See that’s just it. We can’t do that.
FELICIA: You’re right. This is not what I wanted to hear.
DEVIN: What’s the problem? She forced my grandmother to try and kill herself and you’re telling me that she can’t be held accountable?
DANTE: We don’t have enough evidence.
MITCH: Come on that’s insane.
FELICIA: And totally ridiculous. I didn’t pick up any prescription for those pills.
DANTE: But they were prescribed to you.
FELICIA: How can you not get any description on Christy? What about the pharmacy that they were picked up from? They had to have recognized her!
DANTE: We’ve already done that. I had them retrieve all the records, and they said a dark haired woman wearing glasses and a black trenchcoat picked them up.
MITCH: There’s gotta be something else that you can use.
DANTE: Mitch, if there was something else, I would have used it so I can get a warrant for her arrest, but I can’t. It’s just not enough.
DEVIN: So you’re saying Christy’s gonna get away with what she did?
DANTE: Look we can’t just go around arresting people because someone said they committed a crime against them. We have to have evidence. I’m sorry.
FELICIA: Who prescribed the Flurazepam?
DANTE: John Hudson.
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Thomasina Mason |
JOHN: Sure.
THOMASINA: Yes as a matter of fact there is.
JOHN: Well?
THOMASINA: I persuaded them to postpone your hearing.
JOHN: That’s…that’s a relief.
THOMASINA: It doesn’t mean that you’re out of the woods yet but it does buy you some time.
JOHN: To find out who authorized it.
THOMASINA: It looks bad John but I know you wouldn’t have written that prescription without Primary Care physician approval.
JOHN: So we gotta find out who broke into my system.
THOMASINA: Was that Felicia Blake?
JOHN: Yeah. She wants to meet with me.
THOMASINA: Well go ahead. You don’t need to be here now.
JOHN: Thank you.
THOMASINA: My pleasure.
MARLEY: Not too long ago. Michele hi.
MICHELE: Hi Aunt Marley.
VICKY: Where’s my nephew?
MARLEY: He’s upstairs sleeping.
VICKY: Well I’m gonna go see him.
MARLEY: Don’t wake him up.
VICKY: Of course.
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Bridget McKinnon |
MARLEY: I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
MICHELE: Hi. Looks like we’re about to get started.
BRIDGET: You would be right.
BRIDGET: Not yet grandma but…Steven does. Steven take it away.
STEVEN: I’m very happy to be here with my family, and the woman I love.
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