Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips
Fanfic Written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson
Consultant: A. Washington Beeby
- Maggie woke up from a coma (caused by Brianna locking her in the hospital freezer), and convinced Rafael not to tell anyone. Antonio has discovered that Maggie is awake
- Frankie obtained an estate record that revealed that Brianna is Ellen Benson, Taylor Benson's daughter. Frankie deduced that Christy and Brianna were working together, but she can't find Sharlene
- Brianna broke into John's doctor portal, and discovered the truth about Gregory in the process
ANTONIO: Why not?
MAGGIE: Because I want it to be a surprise. Let the doctors find out and then they’ll
call Rachel and my dad; Frankie.
RAFAEL: Umm…Maggie’s right. She wants the family around when everyone finds out that she’s awake. In fact, I’ll…go and call Rachel now.
ANTONIO: Mom this is…this is great. I’m so happy to have you back.
MAGGIE: It’s just you and me now. Your father is worried about you.
ANTONIO: I don’t know why. He really shouldn’t be.
MAGGIE: Are you in some kind of trouble? Where are you living? What are you doing for money?
ANTONIO: What did he tell you?
MAGGIE: He didn’t tell me anything. I can just sense it.
ANTONIO: I’m not in trouble mom. I’m just…making things right.
MAGGIE: What is that supposed to mean?
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Antonio Santierro |
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Maggie Winthrop |
RAFAEL: Umm…Maggie’s right. She wants the family around when everyone finds out that she’s awake. In fact, I’ll…go and call Rachel now.
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Rafael Santierro |
MAGGIE: It’s just you and me now. Your father is worried about you.
ANTONIO: I don’t know why. He really shouldn’t be.
MAGGIE: Are you in some kind of trouble? Where are you living? What are you doing for money?
ANTONIO: What did he tell you?
MAGGIE: He didn’t tell me anything. I can just sense it.
ANTONIO: I’m not in trouble mom. I’m just…making things right.
MAGGIE: What is that supposed to mean?
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Iris Spaulding |
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Grant Harrison |
GRANT: The deal isn’t sealed until the funds are in my account.
GRANT: You don’t have to worry about that. Everything’s on the up and up.
IRIS: That’s what most politicians say until the people find out that it’s not.
IRIS: That remains to be seen. Just remember…HALF of my proceeds will be donated to your campaign. You just make sure that you come through on your end of the bargain.
GRANT: And WHEN I fulfill my end of the deal.
IRIS: You’ll get the other half.
IRIS: We’ll see.
GRANT: I’d love to stay and chat but if you’ll excuse me I…do have a plane to catch. Kirkland and I are going to go…say goodbye to my father.
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Frankie Frame |
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Cass Winthrop |
FRANKIE: Hey babe. Has Sharlene stopped here by any chance?
CASS: No. What’s going on? Is everything okay?
FRANKIE: Take a look at this.
FRANKIE: It’s all right there. Brianna is Ellen Benson, and Ellen is Taylor’s daughter.
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Brianna Jameson |
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John Hudson |
BRIANNA: Did what?
JOHN: You set up my son to be beaten.
BRIANNA: Gregory? He was attacked?
JOHN: He’s in the hospital, and he’s still unconscious.
BRIANNA: That’s…that’s horrible. I hope he’s okay.
JOHN: And you had nothing to do with it?
BRIANNA: What makes you think that I am somehow involved in this?
JOHN: Sharlene told me. She heard you at the cemetery making a call, then after she confronted you, Gregory was ambushed.
JOHN: Don’t try to turn this around on my wife!
BRIANNA: You need to face reality Dr. Hudson. You might need to check to see if she’s splitting again.
BRIANNA: Taylor?
JOHN: That apple didn’t fall too far did it?
MAGGIE: It didn’t sound like that. Let me help you.
ANTONIO: You know how you can help me? By getting some rest. Now lie down.
MAGGIE: Antonio-
ANTONIO: Mom please don’t push this. I’ll tell you everything when it’s time.
MAGGIE: I’m getting worried about you. What is going on?
ANTONIO: If you keep pressing this issue I’ll run right over to the Corys and tell Rachel that you’re awake.
MAGGIE: That’s not fair.
ANTONIO: Of course it is. You don’t want people to know that you’re awake because you’re planning something.
MAGGIE: And just what plan do you think I’m coming up with?
ANTONIO: You know who did this to you, and you’re planning a stealth revenge attack.
MAGGIE: Thank you. I mean, I will…tell everyone soon.
ANTONIO: You’re going to have to buy my silence.
MAGGIE: See there it is. I knew you needed money. Go get my card…
ANTONIO: I’m not talking about that. For me to keep quiet about your being awake, you’re gonna have to tell me who did this to you.
MAGGIE: You drive a hard bargain don’t you?
ANTONIO: Who locked you in the freezer? Was it Brianna?
MAGGIE: Do you know her?
ANTONIO: She left you in that freezer to die didn’t she?
MAGGIE: You still haven’t told me how you know her.
FRANKIE: She somehow holds Sharlene responsible for Taylor’s death.
CASS: And you can’t find her?
FRANKIE: I’m worried about her Cass.
CASS: Does she know?
FRANKIE: I’ve been trying to get in touch with her to tell her. All I’m getting is voicemail.
CASS: Have you talked to John?
FRANKIE: I told him.
CASS: I mean, maybe her phone died.
FRANKIE: Or maybe she’s confronting her and Brianna did something to her. I can’t let this happen again.
CASS: I remember when we went to see Taylor bragging about causing the boat to explode. She thought she had killed Sharlene.
FRANKIE: I wanted to wipe that smug look off of her face.
CASS: What do you suggest we do?
FRANKIE: Let’s go to the farm and see if she’s there.
JOHN: I’ll cut to the chase. Taylor Benson is your mother. You came to Bay City under an assumed name just so you can get revenge on Sharlene, and you tried to kill her twice. Does that about sum it up?
BRIANNA: Is that right?
JOHN: As the rain that can make the ground slippery, just like you are.
BRIANNA: You’re just so full of compliments. Are you finished?
JOHN: Not even close. Someone broke into my doctor portal and prescribed flurazepam.
BRIANNA: And that theory brought you here?
JOHN: Christy forced you to do it because she knew your true identity.
JOHN: Deny deny deny. The next thing you’re gonna do is rationalize what you’ve done, just like she did.
BRIANNA: And because Taylor left all of her money and assets to her daughter, that makes me the one who broke into your portal?
JOHN: It’s not that much of a stretch is it?
BRIANNA: Well I mean…anyone could have done it. You left your password on a sticky note! For a fairly intelligent doctor, that was a really stupid thing to do. ‘Always be my son’? I guess I made the connection…after what I saw.
BRIANNA: Well, John, I would first like to thank you for your service in Vietnam, but let’s just say…I saw something that tells me that you’re…shooting blanks. Agent Orange did a number on you didn’t it? I guess…Gregory will always be your son except…he’s not.
CASS: One accident and traffic is all backed up.
FRANKIE: If I have to get out of this car and walk, I will.
CASS: No Frankie you’re not gonna do that.
FRANKIE: Why not? Sharlene could be in danger.
CASS: The farm is still another half hour from here. Do you know how far of a walk that would be?
FRANKIE: I’m just so scared. What if she’s hurt?
CASS: You called John right?
FRANKIE: He’s not picking up his phone either. Oh Cass I don’t have a good feeling about this.
CASS: Looks like this traffic is clearing up.
FRANKIE: We gotta get to the farm. I just hope Sharlene is there and that’s she okay.
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Sharlene Hudson |
JOHN: You have no idea what you’re talking about.
BRIANNA: Sharlene knew that there was a possibility that Gregory was not your son. Did you ever get a DNA test? My guess would be ‘no’. You didn’t WANT to know the truth, did you? You two have been lying to Gregory all of his life.
JOHN: I’m going to tell you just like I told Taylor when she tried to destroy my family…I’m going to stop you. If you come anywhere near my family. I’m going to STOP you!
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