Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips
Written By: C. Nathaniel Richardson
Consultants: A. Washington Beeby, ML Cooks, and Nick Monarco
· Charlie Winthrop Harrison alleges that Thomasina Mason didn’t hire her for the Public Relations Internship at Bay City Medical Center because she was white. Thomasina hired KC Burrell instead. Charlie sought legal advice from Cass. Charlie was unsure about suing Bay City Medical Center for fear of racial fallout
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Dana Kramer |
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Thomasina Mason |
DANA: How it happened isn’t the most important thing.
THOMASINA: I didn’t intend for anyone to hear that. I certainly feel like I had a good reason.
DANA: I know exactly what you’re talking about, and I understand, but the law isn’t on your side.
THOMASINA: Do you think this is gonna go to court?
DANA: If Charlie decides to sue the hospital, the board is going to come after you, and I won’t lie to you…we’re gonna have a fight on our hands.
THOMASINA: I think it’s going to be very hard for them to prove that I discriminated against her.
DANA: The burden of proof in a civil trial isn’t as great as it is in a criminal case.
DANA: No. Charlie’s word could be enough.
THOMASINA: Don’t they need someone else to corroborate it?
DANA: It sure would help their case.
THOMASINA: Russ is the only person who could.
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Bridget McKinnon |
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Lindsay Winthrop |
BRIDGET: You don’t know the half of it. I’m ready to eat some real food.
LINDSAY: Everybody complains about that. The suggestion box should be full by now.
BRIDGET: They haven’t made the changes because the food’s still bland.
LINDSAY: You know why they do that.
BRIDGET: The same reason I ended up in the hospital in the first place.
LINDSAY: Well you’re about to go home. Are you still living with your grandmother?
BRIDGET: Yep. I don’t see myself moving back in with my mom any time soon.
LINDSAY: Has she been by to see you?
BRIDGET: Oh she’s been here, begging for forgiveness after how she’s treated me.
LINDSAY: I understand. It’s gonna take some time. I know you love her.
BRIDGET: I kinda don’t wanna talk about my mom right now.
LINDSAY: Okay. So Jake and Paulina are coming to take you home?
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Jake McKinnon |
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Paulina Cory |
PAULINA: Hey Lindsay.
LINDSAY: Hi Paulina.
LINDSAY: She’s ready to go.
BRIDGET: Yeah. You don’t know how much.
FRANKIE: Kirkland hi.
KIRKLAND: May I come in?
FRANKIE: Sure. Can I get you anything?
KIRKLAND: No. No I’m fine.
FRANKIE: So what brings my son-in-law out here?
KIRKLAND: I need to ask you a favor.
FRANKIE: Sure what is it?
KIRKLAND: It’s for Donna.
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Kirkland Harrison |
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Frankie Frame |
KIRKLAND: May I come in?
FRANKIE: Sure. Can I get you anything?
KIRKLAND: No. No I’m fine.
FRANKIE: So what brings my son-in-law out here?
KIRKLAND: I need to ask you a favor.
FRANKIE: Sure what is it?
KIRKLAND: It’s for Donna.
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Donna Love |
DONNA (on the phone): I’m throwing a homecoming party for Bridget and I wanted all of the family over. Marley’s coming, and she’s bringing your grandson. It wouldn’t be complete unless you came home…what do you mean you can’t come? Don’t let your family down Michael.
FRANKIE: For Donna?
KIRKLAND: She was telling me about a long lost child.
FRANKIE: Oh. She had a third child after Vicky and Marley?
KIRKLAND: I guess you could say that. I mean if she did, this child would have only been minutes younger.
FRANKIE: Wow. So Donna had triplets?
KIRKLAND: Reginald took the baby away from her. When she was talking about it, you could see in her eyes, like this was a missing piece of her heart.
FRANKIE: That’s almost shocking. Not about Reginald taking the baby from her. I wasn’t around Donna a lot but I’m sure I would have heard about it.
KIRKLAND: She needs to find out where Mary McKinnon is.
FRANKIE: Kathleen’s mother.
KIRKLAND: Kathleen?
FRANKIE: Someone Cass used to be married to. Anyway, um it sounds intriguing, but I’m sorry…I can’t do it.
KIRKLAND: Why not? I’m gonna make sure you have all you need to complete the job.
FRANKIE: I’m planning my wedding to Cass. I won’t be able to devote the time that I need to finding out what you want.
KIRKLAND: Oh I’m sorry I should’ve been more mindful of that.
FRANKIE: No problem.
I can recommend someone for you.
KIRKLAND: Jackson Giles?
FRANKIE: He has an office right outside the city. Go to his website. He has an excellent record, and I wouldn’t recommend him to you if he wasn’t any good.
KIRKLAND: I believe you. Thanks Frankie. I’ll give him a call.
FRANKIE: Hope it works out for you.
DONNA: There isn’t anything more important than your
family. We’re finally coming together
and the girls and the boys would like to see their grandfather. There’s no reason for you not to come…What do
you mean you have plans? Stacey?
DONNA: You’re forsaking your family for
STACEY?! Hello? Hello?
Welcome home honey.
DONNA: I had your room thoroughly cleaned.
BRIDGET: Thank you grandma. It’s gonna feel great being in my own bed.
DONNA: I’m glad you’re home.
BRIDGET: I’m gonna take my stuff upstairs.
JAKE: We’ll be down here if you need anything.
BRIDGET: Thank you dad.
PAULINA: I’ll help you.
DONNA: She looks healthy.
JAKE: Hope it stays that way.
DONNA: The whole thing was weird wasn’t it? First the doctors said she had chlamydia. Then prescribe her an antibiotic that she’s allergic to. It was just…a mess. I mean how could the hospital get that wrong?
JAKE: I’m looking into it.
DONNA: They need to be held accountable for their mistake. Bridget could have died.
JAKE: I completely agree. Whoever’s responsible for this should have their feet held to the fire.
BRIDGET: I’m going to the kitchen to get something.
DONNA: Since you’re all here I might as well tell you. I’m happy to have you back Bridget, and I wanted to throw a celebration. Kind of like a welcome home party.
PAULINA: That sounds great Donna but Bridget just got out of the hospital.
JAKE: Honey if you’re not up to it then you don’t have to…
BRIDGET: Who would be coming?
DONNA: I’d invite the family. I would have a talk with your mother first…
BRIDGET: No. I want them all here. Mom, Michele. Kirkland, Steven. It sounds like a great idea.
DONNA: Your Aunt Marley has already agreed to come. I’ll make some calls. It’s a party! It’ll be bittersweet.
JAKE: Was that Michael you were talking to when we walked in?
DONNA: Michael’s decided that he’s not coming. He’s got plans with your baby’s mother.
JAKE: He and Stacey are back together?
DONNA: Yeah but…no matter. I’m gonna celebrate Bridget’s homecoming with
the rest of my family.
KIRKLAND: She was telling me about a long lost child.
FRANKIE: Oh. She had a third child after Vicky and Marley?
KIRKLAND: I guess you could say that. I mean if she did, this child would have only been minutes younger.
FRANKIE: Wow. So Donna had triplets?
KIRKLAND: Reginald took the baby away from her. When she was talking about it, you could see in her eyes, like this was a missing piece of her heart.
FRANKIE: That’s almost shocking. Not about Reginald taking the baby from her. I wasn’t around Donna a lot but I’m sure I would have heard about it.
KIRKLAND: She needs to find out where Mary McKinnon is.
FRANKIE: Kathleen’s mother.
KIRKLAND: Kathleen?
FRANKIE: Someone Cass used to be married to. Anyway, um it sounds intriguing, but I’m sorry…I can’t do it.
KIRKLAND: Why not? I’m gonna make sure you have all you need to complete the job.
FRANKIE: I’m planning my wedding to Cass. I won’t be able to devote the time that I need to finding out what you want.
KIRKLAND: Oh I’m sorry I should’ve been more mindful of that.
FRANKIE: He has an office right outside the city. Go to his website. He has an excellent record, and I wouldn’t recommend him to you if he wasn’t any good.
KIRKLAND: I believe you. Thanks Frankie. I’ll give him a call.
FRANKIE: Hope it works out for you.
BRIDGET: Thank you grandma. It’s gonna feel great being in my own bed.
DONNA: I’m glad you’re home.
BRIDGET: I’m gonna take my stuff upstairs.
JAKE: We’ll be down here if you need anything.
BRIDGET: Thank you dad.
PAULINA: I’ll help you.
JAKE: Hope it stays that way.
DONNA: The whole thing was weird wasn’t it? First the doctors said she had chlamydia. Then prescribe her an antibiotic that she’s allergic to. It was just…a mess. I mean how could the hospital get that wrong?
JAKE: I’m looking into it.
DONNA: They need to be held accountable for their mistake. Bridget could have died.
JAKE: I completely agree. Whoever’s responsible for this should have their feet held to the fire.
DONNA: Since you’re all here I might as well tell you. I’m happy to have you back Bridget, and I wanted to throw a celebration. Kind of like a welcome home party.
PAULINA: That sounds great Donna but Bridget just got out of the hospital.
JAKE: Honey if you’re not up to it then you don’t have to…
BRIDGET: Who would be coming?
DONNA: I’d invite the family. I would have a talk with your mother first…
BRIDGET: No. I want them all here. Mom, Michele. Kirkland, Steven. It sounds like a great idea.
DONNA: Your Aunt Marley has already agreed to come. I’ll make some calls. It’s a party! It’ll be bittersweet.
JAKE: Was that Michael you were talking to when we walked in?
DONNA: Michael’s decided that he’s not coming. He’s got plans with your baby’s mother.
JAKE: He and Stacey are back together?
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Dr. Maurice Bingham |
DANA: Hey you.
MAURICE: Hi there. How’s it going?
DANA: Hmmm pretty busy.
MAURICE: I started to wonder when we were gonna continue the conversation we had at Tops.
DANA: I’ve just been so busy, but it’s no excuse.
MAURICE: No I should have reached out.
DANA: Okay so we’re both negligent in setting up the next…talk.
MAURICE: If you’re willing, we could rectify this impasse and meet up again. What do you say? Pick you up tomorrow at 6:30?
JAKE: You’re not gonna believe this but I saw them hugging. I’m wondering if they actually made up.
PAULINA: They were hugging. I think things are finally good between them.
JAKE: It kind of feels like fool’s gold.
PAULINA: So you don’t believe it. Who’s being fake?
JAKE: I don’t think any of them are acting. I just don’t think everything is done yet.
PAULINA: Are you talking about that security breach again? Come on Jake. Nobody wanted Bridget to get hurt, especially not her own sister.
JAKE: Dr. Mason told me that the hospital is investigating.
PAULINA: What do you expect them to find? I don’t even know why you’re pursuing this.
JAKE: I need to turn over every stone. I need to be sure that…
PAULINA: Say it Jake. You want to make sure that Michele had nothing to do with it.
JAKE: You saw how she was acting at the hospital when Dr. Matthews told us about Bridget’s condition.
PAULINA: That doesn’t make her guilty of anything. I don’t understand why you and Vicky take sides. Maybe you guys are partly responsible for their division.
PAULINA: What’s the matter? You don’t wanna hear the truth? You take Bridget’s side, and Vicky takes Michele’s side.
JAKE: Nobody’s taking sides here.
PAULINA: You suspect one daughter of hurting the other. You and Vicky need to stop this. If you don’t, you might cause damage to your family that you won’t be able to repair.
THOMASINA (v.o.): Jake hi. I got a report from the security breach investigation. Whenever you want to come to the hospital we can discuss it.
JAKE: Okay. Thank you.
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