Another World 295
Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips
Written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson
Consultant: A. Washington Beeby
Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips
Written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson
Consultant: A. Washington Beeby
· Bryant Kramer just graduated from college. Dana Kramer, his mother, has just brought him
to Bay City. Dana previously revealed to
Thomasina that Bryant is Mac Cory’s grandson, and is heir to his fortune
· Vicky Hudson and Bradley O’ Neill met one night, got drunk,
and slept together. Bradley is still
legally married to Frankie. Frankie
married Bradley while she was away from Bay City
· Charlie Winthrop just learned that she is pregnant
IN HER SUITE, IRIS is applying her make up in the living room as she gets a call on her cell phone.
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Iris Spaulding |
IRIS: Iris Spaulding. A young lady wants to see me. I’m gonna need more information than that. Did you get a name? Of course not. You get paid very well to screen our visitors. I don’t care if she blew past you. You’re supposed to do your job! I’ll be putting a call in to your supervisor!
IRIS presses end call and her elevator doors open. A young WOMAN walks in.
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Young Woman |
WOMAN: Hi oh my God I’ve finally gotten in touch with you.
IRIS: Who the hell are you?
WOMAN: Oh I’m…soooo sorry. I didn’t tell the concierge my name. I kinda wanted it to be a surprise.
IRIS: If you don’t get out of my suite I will call the police and have you arrested for trespassing.
WOMAN: Everything my mom said about you is true. This is a pretty nice place.
IRIS: Okay that’s it.
WOMAN: Oh I’m…soooo sorry. I didn’t tell the concierge my name. I kinda wanted it to be a surprise.
IRIS: If you don’t get out of my suite I will call the police and have you arrested for trespassing.
WOMAN: Everything my mom said about you is true. This is a pretty nice place.
IRIS: Okay that’s it.
IRIS starts to dial 9-1-1 and the WOMAN runs over and gently places her hand on Iris’s phone. Iris steps back.
IRIS: What do you think you’re doing? What do you want from me?
WOMAN: I’m…I…I didn’t mean to scare you. My mother worked for you.
IRIS: Well I used to run Cory Productions and I was on the hospital board. That could mean a lot of people.
WOMAN: She didn’t work at any of those places. You see before my mom died she wanted me to find you and…tell you how grateful she was to work for you.
IRIS: If your mother didn’t work at Cory, and she didn’t work at the hospital, then how did she work for me? Wait a minute. Are you talking about…?
WOMAN: Vivien Gorrow.
IRIS: Vivien? She never mentioned having a daughter.
WOMAN: I was born after she left Bay City. She has fond memories of working for you. She told me so many stories about you before she passed away.
IRIS: Who are you?
WOMAN: Vivien.
IRIS: No that was your mother’s name.
WOMAN: It’s also my name. I’m Vivien Gorrow, Jr.
IRIS: So say I believe you. Why are you here?
VIVIEN: My mom said that I could come to you if I needed anything.
IRIS: And what is that?
VIVIEN: A job.
WOMAN: I’m…I…I didn’t mean to scare you. My mother worked for you.
IRIS: Well I used to run Cory Productions and I was on the hospital board. That could mean a lot of people.
WOMAN: She didn’t work at any of those places. You see before my mom died she wanted me to find you and…tell you how grateful she was to work for you.
IRIS: If your mother didn’t work at Cory, and she didn’t work at the hospital, then how did she work for me? Wait a minute. Are you talking about…?
WOMAN: Vivien Gorrow.
IRIS: Vivien? She never mentioned having a daughter.
WOMAN: I was born after she left Bay City. She has fond memories of working for you. She told me so many stories about you before she passed away.
IRIS: Who are you?
WOMAN: Vivien.
IRIS: No that was your mother’s name.
WOMAN: It’s also my name. I’m Vivien Gorrow, Jr.
IRIS: So say I believe you. Why are you here?
VIVIEN: My mom said that I could come to you if I needed anything.
IRIS: And what is that?
VIVIEN: A job.
AT CASS'S OFFICE, CASS is sitting at his desk on his office phone as CHARLIE walks in.
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Cass Winthrop |
CASS: That was quick. Are you sure we’ll be able to have it that day?...Great. Thank you.
CASS hangs up, gets up and greets CHARLIE.
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Charlie Winthrop Harrison |
CASS: Hey beautiful.
They hug.
CHARLIE (pulling out the chair across from Cass): Hey dad.
CASS: What’s up?
CHARLIE: Oh I…just came to see you.
CASS: Uh oh. What’s wrong?
CHARLIE: Oh no. Nothing’s wrong. In fact, everything couldn’t be more right.
CASS: I’m intrigued. Tell your old man what’s going on.
CASS: What’s up?
CHARLIE: Oh I…just came to see you.
CASS: Uh oh. What’s wrong?
CHARLIE: Oh no. Nothing’s wrong. In fact, everything couldn’t be more right.
CASS: I’m intrigued. Tell your old man what’s going on.
CHARLIE smiles.
AT THE WINTHROPS, FRANKIE walks in from the bedroom, fully dressed, and on her cell phone.
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Frankie Frame |
FRANKIE: When do you think you’ll have those phone records ready?...Okay you can send them to my phone. I owe ya one. Thanks.
SOMEONE knocks on the door and FRANKIE goes and opens it. She sees a young GUY.
FRANKIE: Can I help you?
GUY: You’re Francesca O’ Neill?
FRANKIE: Um yes.
GUY (giving her an envelope): This is for you.
GUY: You’re Francesca O’ Neill?
FRANKIE: Um yes.
GUY (giving her an envelope): This is for you.
The GUY leaves FRANKIE at the door. She opens the envelope and her eyes widen as she reads the contents.
FRANKIE: Wow it’s…it’s really over. Now we can get married.
She places the papers back in the envelope, puts the envelope in her purse, and leaves.
AT THE HOTEL, BRADLEY O’ NEILL is on his phone reading a text from VICKY. It reads: Bridget is in the hospital. I won’t be able to make it. Sorry.
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Bradley O' Neill |
BRADLEY gets up, grabs his sport jacket, opens the door and sees BRYANT.
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Bryant Kramer |
BRYANT: Hey Brad what’s up?
BRADLEY: Bryant. Uh what are you doing here?
BRYANT (walking in): I’m glad I caught you. I had to come straight over here.
BRADLEY: Must be serious. Is everything okay?
BRYANT: It’s great man. But listen I walking through that little plaza the other day.
BRYANT: I think they call it Bay City Center but I saw her. I mean I hadn’t seen her in a long time since she left.
BRADLEY: She left? Who are you talking about?
BRYANT: Frankie. I saw Frankie.
BRYANT (walking in): I’m glad I caught you. I had to come straight over here.
BRADLEY: Must be serious. Is everything okay?
BRYANT: It’s great man. But listen I walking through that little plaza the other day.
BRYANT: I think they call it Bay City Center but I saw her. I mean I hadn’t seen her in a long time since she left.
BRADLEY: She left? Who are you talking about?
BRYANT: Frankie. I saw Frankie.
BRADLEY pauses for a moment.
BRADLEY: You…saw Frankie?
BRYANT: Yeah and check it out, she’s got a daughter, too. I think they were having lunch or something.
BRADLEY: I knew that. You…didn’t mention me did you?
BRYANT: Come on. Why wouldn’t I have?
BRADLEY: Bryant…you shouldn’t have done that.
BRYANT: Yeah and check it out, she’s got a daughter, too. I think they were having lunch or something.
BRADLEY: I knew that. You…didn’t mention me did you?
BRYANT: Come on. Why wouldn’t I have?
BRADLEY: Bryant…you shouldn’t have done that.
CHARLIE: It’s been quite a day. I don’t even know where to start.
CASS: From the beginning?
CHARLIE: I got good news and bad news. Which one do you wanna start with?
CASS: Good news first please.
CHARLIE: Okay well. I was having breakfast with mom and she bought me a latte, and it smelled so good.
CASS: Fresh smelling coffee is always good news.
CHARLIE: Well it smelled so good that I had to go puke.
CASS: Now you’re not making any sense. The aroma of your latte made you throw up?
CHARLIE: So I thought it was just nausea, but I went to the hospital I had some pain in my stomach.
CASS: That doesn’t sound like good news to me. Are you okay?
CHARLIE: Don’t worry dad I’m fine.
CASS: Did you see a doctor?
CHARLIE: Lindsay found me so she brought me to Dr. Davidson and she took a look at me.
CASS: I bet you resisted.
CHARLIE: How did you know?
CASS: I’ve only known you all of your life, so what happened next?
CHARLIE: I thought she was gonna tell me that it was just gas.
CASS: So you’re saying you didn’t have bubble guts.
CHARLIE: No I definitely don’t have. I have something that’s alive and well. In fact, it’s kicked me a few times on the way here.
CASS gets up and walks over to her.
CASS: Are you…am I…gonna be a grandfather?
CHARLIE nods her head and smiles.
CASS: Wow. Oh wow. Congratulations! This day gets better and better. Did you tell Kirkland? Where is he?
CHARLIE: He went to the hospital. I had to come and tell you as soon as I could.
CASS: Since we’re sharing all this cheer, I’ve got some news for you, too. Your mom is on her way down here so I…
CHARLIE: He went to the hospital. I had to come and tell you as soon as I could.
CASS: Since we’re sharing all this cheer, I’ve got some news for you, too. Your mom is on her way down here so I…
FRANKIE walks in.
FRANKIE: Heyyyy sweety.
She kisses Charlie on her left cheek and then kisses Cass.
FRANKIE: Hey babe.
CASS: You came just in time.
FRANKIE: Oh in time for what?
CASS: Charlie has something to tell you.
CHARLIE: I’m pregnant.
FRANKIE: Oh my God. Congratulations!
CASS: You came just in time.
FRANKIE: Oh in time for what?
CASS: Charlie has something to tell you.
CHARLIE: I’m pregnant.
FRANKIE: Oh my God. Congratulations!
FRANKIE: No wonder you didn’t drink your latte. How long have you known?
CHARLIE: For a few hours.
FRANKIE: Cass we’re gonna be grandparents. That’s terrific hun. How far along are you?
CHARLIE: Twelve weeks.
CASS: We need to go celebrate. Let’s go to the Center.
FRANKIE: Sounds good to me. What do you think Charlie?
CHARLIE: I’d love to but Kirkland’s waiting for me at the hospital.
FRANKIE: Oh is he okay?
CHARLIE: Bridget’s there. I guess I’ll find out why when I get there.
FRANKIE: Okay of course go…go be with your husband.
CASS: Wait a minute kiddo. You said you had something else to tell me.
CHARLIE: Oh um, that can wait. I don’t wanna spoil the good vibes.
CASS: Okay well, you know you can tell me anything.
CHARLIE: I know.
FRANKIE: We’ll…see ya later. Love you.
CHARLIE: Love you, too.
CHARLIE: For a few hours.
FRANKIE: Cass we’re gonna be grandparents. That’s terrific hun. How far along are you?
CHARLIE: Twelve weeks.
CASS: We need to go celebrate. Let’s go to the Center.
FRANKIE: Sounds good to me. What do you think Charlie?
CHARLIE: I’d love to but Kirkland’s waiting for me at the hospital.
FRANKIE: Oh is he okay?
CHARLIE: Bridget’s there. I guess I’ll find out why when I get there.
FRANKIE: Okay of course go…go be with your husband.
CASS: Wait a minute kiddo. You said you had something else to tell me.
CHARLIE: Oh um, that can wait. I don’t wanna spoil the good vibes.
CASS: Okay well, you know you can tell me anything.
CHARLIE: I know.
FRANKIE: We’ll…see ya later. Love you.
CHARLIE: Love you, too.
CHARLIE leaves CASS and FRANKIE by themselves.
FRANKIE: I guess it’s just me and you.
CASS: Change of plans.
CASS: We’re goin’ to Tops.
CASS: Change of plans.
CASS: We’re goin’ to Tops.
IRIS: She named you after her? How do I know you’re telling the truth?
VIVIEN, JR. digs around in her purse and takes out a somewhat crumpled piece of paper.
VIVIEN: I knew you would need proof so…here.
She gives it to Iris who looks it over.
IRIS: A DNA test. How long have you had this?
VIVIEN: Since my mom passed away. I knew someday I’d look for you.
IRIS: DNA tests can be doctored. How do I know this is real?
VIVIEN: But wait…there’s more.
VIVIEN: Since my mom passed away. I knew someday I’d look for you.
IRIS: DNA tests can be doctored. How do I know this is real?
VIVIEN: But wait…there’s more.
VIVIEN digs in her purse and pulls out another crumpled piece of paper.
IRIS: Birth certificate?
VIVIEN starts digging in her purse again.
VIVIEN: I’ve got more proof. I’ve got a picture of my mom holding me. I got a picture of the nurse holding me. I’ve got a…
IRIS: Let me…see the picture.
IRIS: Let me…see the picture.
VIVIEN gives IRIS the photo of Vivien. She looks at the picture intently.
IRIS: That…definitely is Vivien.
VIVIEN: I’ve got more….
IRIS: You don’t…need to give me anything else. I believe you.
VIVIEN: You…believe me?
IRIS: That is what I just said right?
VIVIEN: So you’ll…let me work for you…like my mom did?
IRIS: I’m looking to hire anyone.
VIVIEN: Oh okay well. I’m very glad I found you.
IRIS: Where are you staying tonight?
VIVIEN: I’m going to the bus station to go back home.
IRIS: I have a…guest bedroom you can sleep in. You must be exhausted from the ride. You can stay here. Tonight only.
VIVIEN: Oh. Oh Miss Spaulding thank you so much.
VIVIEN: I’ve got more….
IRIS: You don’t…need to give me anything else. I believe you.
VIVIEN: You…believe me?
IRIS: That is what I just said right?
VIVIEN: So you’ll…let me work for you…like my mom did?
IRIS: I’m looking to hire anyone.
VIVIEN: Oh okay well. I’m very glad I found you.
IRIS: Where are you staying tonight?
VIVIEN: I’m going to the bus station to go back home.
IRIS: I have a…guest bedroom you can sleep in. You must be exhausted from the ride. You can stay here. Tonight only.
VIVIEN: Oh. Oh Miss Spaulding thank you so much.
VIVIEN hugs her as IRIS tries to pull away.
IRIS: Don’t push your luck.
VIVIEN: Oh I’m sorry. I’ll…go to my room.
VIVIEN: Oh I’m sorry. I’ll…go to my room.
VIVIEN takes her things and goes to the guest room as IRIS gets another call on her cell phone.
IRIS: If it isn’t the incompetent concierge. Oh you got a name this time. Send her up.
IRIS turns her back to the elevator as the doors open.
IRIS: I was wondering when you were coming to see me.
IRIS turns around and sees DANA KRAMER walk in.
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Dana Kramer |
DANA: It’s time we had a talk…about Bryant.
IRIS: That’s right. Bryant Kramer, your son…Mac’s grandson.
IRIS: That’s right. Bryant Kramer, your son…Mac’s grandson.
BRYANT: What do you mean? I thought you would want to see her.
BRADLEY: She left to come here and be with Cass, and as far I know they’re still together. I don’t wanna cause her any pain.
BRYANT: Oh come on Brad. You mean to tell me you came all the way to Bay City to not cause Frankie any heartache?
BRADLEY: Yeah besides I…may have met someone else.
BRYANT: Um Brad you’re talking to me here. You and Frankie raised me.
BRADLEY: Frankie had no memory of who she was.
BRYANT: And you two were perfectly happy and in love before she remembered her life in Bay City.
BRADLEY: I had to let her go.
BRYANT: You’re not fooling me. You haven’t let her go at all, and after my talk with her, I don’t think she’s let you go either.
BRADLEY: Now you’re reaching.
BRYANT: Am I? You two spent over ten years together. A love like that just doesn’t disappear. I think she might still have feelings for you.
BRADLEY: I am not going to cause any conflict for her. That’s the last thing I wanna do.
BRYANT: Look man, you love Frankie. You didn’t come all this way for nothing. You came to get her back. Somebody’s gonna have to lose. Why should it be you? I’ll see ya later.
BRYANT leaves and Bradley makes a phone call on his cell phone.
BRADLEY: Hey. Look I can’t go through with this alright.
The WOMAN on the other end has long dark hair and she responds via speaker.
WOMAN: Oh no you’re not Bradley O’ Neill. We done came too far for you to pull out now. Look you better fight for her, cuz she sure ain’t right for him. If that don’t work, we gon’ have to go to plan B. I’ll call you later.
The WOMAN who presses end call and puts the phone back in her purse is LILA ROBERTS.
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Lila Roberts |
LILA: Cuz I’m gon save you Cass from lyin' Frankie.
AHA! There's the connection. Just at Bradley begins to have doubts.
ReplyDeleteI loved the introduction of Vivien's daughter. She's gonna be a great foil for Iris. I also am really liking how you're writing Iris. I can see Catherine Hickland OR Beverlee McKinsey playing those lines, and either one would be great doing it. I'm looking forward to more.
Charlie passing on the news to Cass and Frankie, while Frankie gets her divorce finalized. This is gonna get messy, I can feel it, especially now with Lila involved. WOW, that's a twist. And I really like that Bradley's beginning to want to back out thanks to his connection with Vicky. You've really set this story in motion, and I'm enjoying every minute of it.
Dana confronting Iris about Bryant, I can't wait to see that conversation in 296. All around excellent work yet again, Cary.