Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips
Fanfic written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson
Consultant: A. Washington Beeby
In this episode: Rafael Santierro, Maggie Winthrop (formerly Maggie Cory), Bridget McKinnon, Antonio Santierro, Cory Hutchins, Sharlene Frame Hudson, Elizabeth Hutchins, John Hudson, Rachel Cory Hutchins, Brianna Jameson, Thomasina Mason, Gregory Hudson, Iris Spaulding
Rachel confronts Brianna
Bridget spurns Cory again
Gregory is rushed to the hospital.
- Maggie remembered that Brianna kidnapped her on the night of Carl Hutchins party at the Corys. Brianna locked Maggie in the hospital freezer to keep her quiet about it. Maggie was in a coma as a result. She woke up, but has only told Rafael. Nobody else knows.
- Cory broke up with Bridget thinking she cheated on him after her OB tests showed she had chlamydia. After learning that Bridget did not have chlamydia (her tests were switched by Michele), Cory wanted to get back together with. Bridget said no.
- Gregory developed an addiction to opioids after reaggravating a previous back injury in a car accident. He stole Sharlene's credit card to buy it off of a black market website called Satin Avenue. When Sharlene learned of the charges, she had them reversed, putting Gregory in debt. Gregory persuaded Elizabeth to lend him 500 dollars to pay the drug dealer back. Brianna, who is helping to run drugs in Bay City, ordered Gregory to be beaten. Elizabeth found him bloodied in the park.
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Maggie Winthrop |
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Rafael Santierro |
MAGGIE: Well you could have been a doctor or one of the five thousand nurses that come and check on me.
RAFAEL: Well it’s not like you haven’t been getting up walking around.
MAGGIE: Have you talked to our son?
RAFAEL: I tried reaching out to him.
RAFAEL: Antonio esta obstinado.
MAGGIE: Oh. I get it.
RAFAEL: He’s not listening to anything I have to say.
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Bridget McKinnon |
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Cory Hutchins |
BRIDGET: You’re not stupid. Or I think you’re just playing stupid.
CORY: I…I understand if you don’t…want to take me back right now.
BRIDGET: There is no right now, and there won’t be a later. I’m not getting back together with you, not now…not ever.
CORY: Okay you’re just upset…
BRIDGET: YOU didn’t trust me. I told you over and over that I hadn’t slept with anyone else, and you didn’t believe me.
CORY: I didn’t know what to believe.
BRIDGET: You should have believed me. You should have trusted that I loved you; that I would never have betrayed you.
CORY: Bridget what did you want me to think? The tests you showed that you had chlamydia.
BRIDGET: But I NEVER had it. You were supposed to stand by me!
CORY: I told you I made a mistake! Please Bridget. Don’t tell me this is over.
BRIDGET: YOU were the one who said it was over. I’m just keeping the status quo.
BRIDGET: I need you to leave.
CORY gets up, steps back.
CORY: Bridget.
CORY turns around slowly, and leaves.
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Antonio Santierro |
MAN: We’re no closer to getting what we need. Time is running out. We need you to come through for us.
ANTONIO: You gotta give me more time but it’s not easy.
MAN: Nothing worth having is. I’ll let you determine what’s important to you. Your mom; your father; your grandparents.
ANTONIO: Please don’t hurt them.
MAN: Give us what we need and we won’t have to take…more drastic measures to get you to do what we want.
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Thomasina Mason |
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Elizabeth Hutchins |
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Sharlene Hudson |
ELIZABETH: In the park. He was beaten up pretty badly.
SHARLENE: Oh my God! Who would have wanted to do this to him?
ELIZABETH: I…I don’t know.
SHARLENE: Where is he?
ELIZABETH: The doctors are with him now. I hope he’s okay.
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Brianna Jameson |
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Rachel Cory Hutchins |
RACHEL: Yes. I heard you’re planning on leaving town with my son.
BRIANNA: That’s correct.
RACHEL: I also heard that you’ve been lying to him for months. Is that also correct?
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Iris Spaulding |
ANTONIO: You have to promise me that you won’t tell anybody about what you saw.
BRIDGET: I didn’t see anything.
ANTONIO: Don’t lie. I heard you in the bushes.
BRIDGET: What’s the big deal? You were talking to some guy.
ANTONIO: And you can’t say a word about it.
BRIDGET: I don’t know what it is you’re doing. I don’t WANT to know. I just want to continue my walk through the park.
ANTONIO: If you say something about what you saw, people are going to be hurt. Please tell me you won’t say anything.
THOMASINA: We managed to stabilize him, but he’s bruised
pretty badly. I’m glad you found him
when you did Elizabeth.
ELIZABETH: I just want him to be alright.
SHARLENE: Can I see him?
THOMASINA: I just gave him a sedative so he’s going to be groggy, but I will check on him soon. You can see him though.
THOMASINA: One visitor at a time.
SHARLENE: Thank you for getting my son to the hospital.
ELIZABETH: No problem. Can you tell me how he is?
SHARLENE: Of course I will.
ELIZABETH: I just want him to be alright.
SHARLENE: Can I see him?
THOMASINA: I just gave him a sedative so he’s going to be groggy, but I will check on him soon. You can see him though.
ELIZABETH: No problem. Can you tell me how he is?
SHARLENE: Of course I will.
SHARLENE: I’m right here baby. I’m not going anywhere.
GREGORY: I’m so…I’m…sorry.
SHARLENE: You have nothing to apologize for.
GREGORY: I do…I…stole…I…
SHARLENE: I don’t care about that. I just want you to be okay. I want you to get your rest.
GREGORY: Mom…I…messed up.
SHARLENE: What? Why would it be there?
LINDSAY: I don’t know. Did you let Gregory borrow it?
SHARLENE: No. I reported it stolen so it’s pretty much no good now. I’m getting a new one.
LINDSAY: Are you sure? Maybe you gave it to him when he stayed over at your house last week.
SHARLENE: Stayed over?
LINDSAY: He didn’t come home one night. He called and told me that he was spending the night at the farm.
RAFAEL: Did she try to hurt you?
MAGGIE: No. The bitch was bragging about how she’s won, and she’s gonna leave town with Matt.
RAFAEL: That might be a good thing.
MAGGIE: A good thing? How can you say that? It’s the worst thing ever!
RAFAEL: Matt can make his own choices.
MAGGIE: I bet he doesn’t know that she spiked my coffee with synthetic opioids, locked me in a freezer, and left me to die.
RAFAEL: That can be a problem.
MAGGIE: You’re damned right it’s a problem, and it’s one I’m going to solve.
RAFAEL: That doesn’t sound too good. Just what do you plan on doing to Brianna?
RACHEL: Does he know that you’re Taylor Benson’s daughter?
BRIANNA: I can explain all of that.
RACHEL: Are you back in Bay City to avenge her death?
BRIANNA: Listen I don’t know where you’re getting this information…
RACHEL: Cut it out! I know everything I need to know. I knew something about you was off.
BRIANNA: Excuse me?
RACHEL: You’re no good for Matthew at all. You’ve been lying to him for months, and I don’t want him to be hurt by someone like you, so you’re gonna break up with him and leave Bay City…tonight.
BRIANNA: Who the hell do you think you are?
RACHEL: I’m his mother, and I will do anything to protect my family.
BRIDGET: I’m fine.
CORY: Dude what are you doing? Wait you’re the guy I saw in the chapel.
CORY: Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.
ANTONIO: No problem I was finished. Wow you…you look like you just lost your best friend.
CORY: If my girlfriend counts as my best friend then…yeah I lost her. Say a prayer for me huh?
ANTONIO: Sorry about that dude.
CORY: I messed up badly.
ANTONIO: So I guess you’re…gonna pray for another chance with her?
CORY: Something like that.
ANTONIO: Well good luck.
CORY: Thanks man.
CORY: Maybe you should.
BRIDGET: Don’t go anywhere yet.
CORY: What are you talking about? You guys were arguing about something.
BRIDGET: And it’s none of your business, and I’m fine. Now leave.
CORY: Bridget…
BRIDGET: I don’t need you Cory, now GO!
RACHEL: I beg your pardon?
BRIANNA: Oh he told me all about it. You do it to all of your children. Meddling in their relationships, but you’re gonna stay the hell out of this one!
RACHEL: Perhaps I haven’t made myself clear. You are going to leave town without my son.
BRIANNA: I’m gonna tell him what you told me. That’s not gonna go over well with Matt.
RACHEL: If you want to leave Bay City alive, break up with Matthew.
BRIANNA: Is that a threat?
IRIS: Rachel the bully, going around town flexing her muscle. Who the hell do you think you are? I just heard you threaten this woman.
RACHEL: It’s a promise, and I won’t break it.
BRIANNA: You know not even Rachel the wicked witch could spoil my happiness.
IRIS: Did I hear her say that you’re Taylor Benson’s daughter?
BRIANNA: You heard right, and you’re the woman who fired my mother from the hospital.
IRIS: That wasn’t my call.
BRIANNA: But you didn’t exactly do anything to stop it did you? She was devastated after that. She was never the same.
IRIS: I was in her corner. She had my support.
BRIANNA: It’s all water under the bridge now, right? I’m leaving town, and if I never see Bay City again, it would be way too soon.