Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips
Fanfic Written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson
Consultant: A. Washington Beeby
- Brianna Jameson came to Bay City seeking revenge for Taylor Benson's decline and death. Brianna Jameson is an assumed name. Her real name is Ellen Benson, and John, Sharlene, and Frankie are working to uncover Brianna's connection to Taylor.
- Matthew and Brianna have become romantically involved, and Brianna has convinced Matthew that they should leave Bay City together
- Brianna has tried to kill Sharlene and Maggie.
- Maggie woke up from her coma, but is still faking being unconscious
IN THIS EPISODE: Frankie Frame, Rachel Cory Hutchins, Matthew Cory, Sharlene Frame Hudson, John Hudson, Gregory Hudson, Lindsay Winthrop, Maggie Winthrop, Elizabeth Hutchins
Frankie gets a key piece of evidence
Matt and Rachel argue
Gregory lies to Lindsay again
Sharlene tails Brianna
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Frankie Frame |
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Rachel Cory Hutchins |
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Matt Cory |
RACHEL: Hi there.
MATT: I was wondering if you had gotten my request.
RACHEL: For remote working? Yes I certainly did. I didn’t know you wanted to work from home. I’m hiring a contractor to renovate the carriage house. I can hold off on that if you want so you can work down there.
MATT: Um…mom that’s what I came to tell you.
RACHEL: What is it? Is something wrong?
MATT: I’m…not planning to work at home, or anywhere else in Bay City.
MATT: I’m leaving town.
RACHEL: Oh I had no idea you were planning to leave. What brought this on?
MATT: Brianna. She and I are leaving together.
RACHEL: Do you need to have your head examined?
MATT: What do you mean?
RACHEL: You leaving town is a terrible idea.
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Sharlene Hudson |
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John Hudson |
SHARLENE: That was my credit card company.
JOHN: Looking for an increase on your line?
SHARLENE: They’re gonna send me a new one.
JOHN: What happened?
SHARLENE: I saw a charge on my statement for $500 that I didn’t authorize. I reported it stolen and they’ve reversed it.
JOHN: Gotta be careful where you leave your stuff.
SHARLENE: Excuse me. I’m always careful with my things. I don’t even know how this happened, but it’s been rectified.
SHARLENE: I’m meeting Gregory for lunch at the Center.
JOHN: Be safe out there.
SHARLENE: If you’re talking about Brianna I’m not afraid of her.
JOHN: You may not have to be.
SHARLENE: What exactly do you mean?
JOHN: I can’t keep an eye on her anymore. She handed in her resignation.
SHARLENE: Well I have protection if I need it.
JOHN: I know. Call me when you get to the Center okay.
V.O.: Hi is this John Hudson?
JOHN: Yes.
V.O.: This is Bay City Guns and Ammo. Your merchandise is ready.
JOHN: Thank you. Can you hold them until tomorrow?
V.O.” Sure we can.
JOHN: Thank you.
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Gregory Hudson |
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Lindsay Winthrop |
LINDSAY: What kind of favor?
GREGORY: She needs some stuff moved to the garage. Some heavy boxes.
GREGORY: My dad can’t do it by himself.
LINDSAY: Of course. I understand. Hey are you alright?
GREGORY: Yeah I’m fine. Why?
LINDSAY: You seem a little nervous.
GREGORY: Oh. I’m a little jittery about my back going out while trying to move things for my mom.
LINDSAY: Well maybe the boxes aren’t as heavy as you think. Just stop if you think it’s too much.
GREGORY: Will do boss lady. Are you working today?
GREGORY: I’ll stop by and see you.
RACHEL: Matthew how well do you even know her? You haven’t been dating that long.
MATT: I don’t have to explain this to you.
RACHEL: This is rather sudden. What brought this on? It seemed like you were happy here, and now you want to leave town with this woman. I don’t understand this.
MATT: Now I know how Jamie felt.
RACHEL: We’re not talking about Jamie. We’re talking about you.
MATT: It’s the same thing mom. You meddled in his love life. You meddled in Amanda’s, and now mine. I’m sure you’re gonna do the same thing with Cory and Elizabeth.
RACHEL: What has this woman done to you?
MATT: MOM I’m not a child! Nobody’s done anything to me. I’m a grown man and I can make my own decisions. She didn’t twist my arm or anything. This is what I want.
RACHEL: My God Matthew I want to believe you, but I don’t have a good feeling about this.
MATT: I do. It feels right, and I’m leaving town with Brianna, with or without your blessing.
RACHEL: Have you even given this any thought? Forgive me if I’m concerned. This is happening very quickly.
MATT: You met her didn’t you?
RACHEL: Yes I did and I would need to know more about her. Does she have some type of ulterior motive? Why are you two so insistent on leaving town so fast? Did you ask yourself those questions?
MATT: I love her. That’s why.
RACHEL: Love isn’t enough honey. If it were, you wouldn’t be leaving in such a rush. Something isn’t right about this. What about Jasmine?
MATT: She can always come visit. My choice has been made mom. Thanks for approving the remote working. I’m gonna pack up my office.
RACHEL: You’re making a big mistake. Please think this over before you leave.
MATT: It’s a done deal mom. I’m leaving Bay City with Brianna.
FRANKIE: Where’s Sharlene?
JOHN: She went out. What’s going on?
FRANKIE: You have a minute?
JOHN: I was on my way to town.
FRANKIE: It’s important.
MATT: Hey you.
MATT: Oh you did. I’m sure it went easier than it went with my mom.
BRIANNA: Yeah I was gonna ask you about that. I’m sure that ride was bumpy.
MATT: Bumpy is an understatement. She did not approve of my decision at all.
BRIANNA: I mean I’d be happy to tell Rachel how much we love each other. I can be very convincing.
MATT: Don’t I know it.
BRIANNA: Where is she now?
MATT: She was in her office. I can check.
BRIANNA: Did she go home? I can stop by there.
MATT: I’ll call her. In the meantime I’m gonna pack up my office and look for places for us to live when we start our new life.
BRIANNA: We will need one of those won’t we?
MATT: But I thought you wanted to live out of a tent in the woods.
BRIANNA: As long as I have you, I’d live anywhere. See ya later.
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Maggie Winthrop |
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Elizabeth Hutchins |
ELIZABETH: Of course it’s no problem. What’s going on?
GREGORY: I hate to ask you this but I have nobody else to turn to.
ELIZABETH: Just tell me what it is.
GREGORY: I need a huge favor from you.