Created By William J. Bell and Irna Phillips
Fanfic Written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson
Consultant: A. Washington Beeby
IN THIS EPISODE - Charlie gets a pleasant surprise; Felicia and Rachel catch up; Frankie has another premonintion
· Felicia was lured to Christy Carson’s suite, where Christy terrorized Felicia with a gun and forced her to down Flurazepam and vodka. Christy blamed Felicia for causing her miscarriage. Cass and Frankie found Felicia in time
Michele broke
into the BCMC mainframe and switched Bridget’s negative chlamydia test with someone
else’s positive test. This false reading
lead to Bridget and Cory’s breakup.
During a heated argument, Bridget collapsed and it was discovered she
had a severe allergic reaction to the antibiotic that was prescribed to her for
the S.T.I. (that she never had). It was
discovered that Bridget never had chlamydia
· Felicia was lured to Christy Carson’s suite, where Christy terrorized Felicia with a gun and forced her to down Flurazepam and vodka. Christy blamed Felicia for causing her miscarriage. Cass and Frankie found Felicia in time
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Rachel Cory Hutchins |
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Felicia Gallant Blake |
RACHEL: As a matter of fact she is. Going to miss her work.
FELICIA: Are you looking for a replacement?
RACHEL: Well the kids are all grown up. We probably don’t even need a housekeeper anymore.
FELICIA: This is a big house. You might want to rethink that idea.
RACHEL: I’ve got so many other things on my mind. Finding a new housekeeper is the last thing on my mind.
FELICIA: I completely understand.
RACHEL: Why? What’s going on?
FELICIA: Dante came by my suite.
RACHEL: Dante? Was it police business?
FELICIA: He said he could not bring charges against Christy.
RACHEL: So she just gets to go free after what she did to you?
FELICIA: It sure looks like it. But that’s not even biggest part. I’m always wondering if she’s gonna try and hurt Lorna, Jenna or Devin.
RACHEL: If it makes you feel better, Devin can stay here and I can hire extra security.
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Cass Winthrop |
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Frankie Frame |
FRANKIE: Checked the mail. I’m expecting something.
CASS: There hasn’t been mail here in three days.
FRANKIE: I don’t know what’s going on?. Are you uh…going to court today…to file the suit?
CASS: Yeah I am. I have to be honest I’m really nervous about this.
FRANKIE: Charlie said she wanted you to do it. I’m headed over that way. Maybe you could hold off on the filing and I’ll talk to her?
CASS: How is she feeling?
FRANKIE: I called her and she said she’s feeling better, but I’m gonna go check on her anyway.
CASS: That’s a good idea. Let me know how it goes. I’ll see you later.
CASS: Thank you honey. Can’t do much without my files.
FRANKIE: I’ll call ya later.
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Kirkland Harrison |
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Charlie Winthrop Harrison |
CHARLIE: Much better than yesterday that’s for sure, but I’m gonna rest for now.
KIRKLAND: I’m gonna go out to see my dad. Do you need anything while I’m gone?
CHARLIE: No actually um…thank you.
KIRKLAND: You’re not gonna be alone though.
CHARLIE: Why not?
KIRKLAND: Wellllll I made a couple of phone calls and…they should be here any minute.
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Jasmine Cory |
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Lila Roberts |
JASMINE: Thanks for inviting us.
LILA: You know I wasn’t feelin’ that well and Jasmine was in school.
CHARLIE: You’re here now. That’s all that matters. This is the best!
LILA: Well you got a good husband.
JASMINE: We came right over as soon as he called.
KIRKLAND: Well I…I gotta get going.
LILA: We’ll take good care of her.
KIRKLAND: I know. See you guys later.
LILA: Bout a couple weeks ago.
CHARLIE: And you are JUST getting around to come see me?
JASMINE: We were coming we just…
CHARLIE: Just what?
JASMINE: Mom it’s just us now. Tell Charlie why you wanted to come back.
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Michele McKinnon |
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Donna Love |
DONNA: No we’re not honey. After what you’ve done, getting help might be the best thing.
VICKY: She was getting treatment from Dr. Bingham at the hospital. She doesn’t need to be at some inpatient facility!
JAKE: Did you go see Dr. Bingham to one up your sister?
PAULINA: I can’t believe what you’re saying to her!
MICHELE: You just think the worst of me don’t you dad?
JAKE: That’s not it.
VICKY: Sounds like it to me!
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Vicky Hudson |
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Jake McKinnon |
CORY: Is this true? You switched those tests?
BRIDGET: Yeah she did.
MICHELE: Bridget flaunted in my face that you two slept together and posted stuff on social media about me---
CORY: I can’t believe this. I don’t even know who you are anymore.
MICHELE: It’s still me. I’m still the girl you dated in high school.
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Cory Hutchins |
BRIDGET: Look what you’ve done. You’ve lost everything. And if you don’t give me your answer, you’ll lose your freedom, too.
CHARLIE: Is everything okay? Are you…oh no.
LILA: No it’s nothin’ like that. I’m fine.
JASMINE: She’s not sick. It’s about Cass.
CHARLIE: Dad? Why? You guys were married for a while. You…want my dad back?
LILA: Don’t listen to Jasmine. It’s not like that at all. I know your daddy is gonna marry your mama. I didn’t come back here to stand in their way.
CHARLIE: So after all this time, you’re just visiting?
LILA: Look I came back because Jasmine wanted to come back.
JASMINE: Oh come on mom….
LILA: Jasmine has all her family here. She wanted to see her grandparents and her daddy.
CHARLIE: Are you sure that’s all?
JASMINE: It’s not---
LILA: Yes it is! I’m really just along for the ride. Jasmine aren’t you happy to see your family.
JASMINE: Lila blames your mother for breaking up her marriage to Cass.
LILA: Jasmine Rachel Cassandra Cory you hush!
CHARLIE: I felt like it was something like that. You and dad started arguing a lot and then you got a divorce.
LILA: Look I’m not trying to bad mouth your mama but…your daddy never got over her, and that’s what broke up our marriage. She really didn’t do anything.
CHARLIE: My parents love each other deeply, but it doesn’t mean that they don’t have their faults…or secrets.
LILA: What do you mean by that?
CHARLIE: I asked my mom where she was all of those years after she left Bay City and she got defensive.
LILA: I’ll get it.
RACHEL: I can’t see how the police can’t charge Christy after what she did.
FELICIA: Dante said he didn’t have enough evidence. She covered her tracks very well.
RACHEL: I’m so sorry.
FELICIA: Don’t be I…I just want her off the streets. I can’t feel safe until she is.
RACHEL: I understand. Maybe I can make a few calls.
FELICIA: No. I’m just gonna have to buy protection. I haven’t forgotten how to handle a gun.
RACHEL: I hope they find her soon. Just for your peace of mind at least.
FELICIA: I’m sorry I came here and dumped this on you.
RACHEL: No it’s no problem at all. Since Christy didn’t leave any evidence for them to charge her, do you think she had some help?
FELICIA: John seems to think so.
RACHEL: John? What does he have to do with this?
FELICIA: The prescription was written in my name, and authorized by John.
RACHEL: Are you serious? Do you really John would write a prescription for you without your approval?
FELICIA: You see that’s just it. I don’t know what to believe about this.
RACHEL: John would never deliberately put you in harm’s way.
FELICIA: Dante said that someone that looked like me picked up the prescription.
RACHEL: That had to have been Christy wearing a disguise or something.
FELICIA: Or someone else doing it for her. Anyway they couldn’t identify her.
RACHEL: Christy couldn’t have covered all of her bases that well. Someone out there knows what she did and is not coming forward.
FELICIA: John said that someone broke into his doctor portal and authorized the prescription. RACHEL: Does he think it was Christy?
FELICIA: I don’t believe he does, and if it wasn’t her, this person is the one who Christy was working with.
LILA: Hi Frankie. Charlie’s right in here.
JASMINE: Hi Frankie.
CHARLIE: Mom I wasn’t expecting you.
FRANKIE: You look better than you were yesterday.
CHARLIE: I definitely feel better. Kirkland called Lila and Jasmine to come and lift my spirits.
LILA: I’m glad we could help.
CHARLIE: Hey uh…I wanna talk to my mom for a bit. I’ll catch up with you guys later. I’m so happy you came over.
CHARLIE: You know it.
LILA: Take it easy.
JASMINE: Bye Frankie.
FRANKIE: Hey. Thank you guys for…being there for my daughter.
LILA: Anytime.
CHARLIE: We were a family mom. Dad, Lila, Jasmine and me.
FRANKIE: I’m so happy that you had them, and Lila was the mother I couldn’t be to you.
CHARLIE: I know about Lila, but I don’t know about you.
FRANKIE: What are you talking about?
CHARLIE: Look I know you’re gonna get defensive but I gotta know why you stayed away for auch a long time.
MICHELE: That’s all you wanted wasn’t it? I don’t care about your threats. Call the police.
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Grant Harrison |
KIRKLAND: It sounded urgent. Is everything okay?
GRANT: No. Not at all. It’s about dad.
BRIDGET: This is a bit different.
JAKE: No it’s very much the same, and we don’t want you to go down that same road.
VICKY: I could have sent Marley to prison but I forgave her.
BRIDGET: Is that what you’re telling me to do mom? Forgive Michele for what she did?
PAULINA: This thing that you have going on with Michele has torn this family to shreds. Somebody’s gotta break the cycle. Why not let it be you?
MICHELE: Why should I? So she can hold it over me?
MARLEY: This isn’t a competition. She’s your sister and it sounds like she wants to keep you out of jail.
MICHELE: Well I’m not giving her the satisfaction.
MARLEY: Your mother could have done the same to me.
MICHELE: I heard the story Aunt Marley.
MARLEY: No I don’t think you did. I did some terrible things to her.
MICHELE: I know what you did.
MARLEY: And she forgave me, and we’re in a better place. I got help. I went to a mental institution and everything was better after that.
MICHELE: So you’re telling me to…get help.
MARLEY: You’ll get help in dealing with your anger. It’s only gonna get worse if you don’t, and I know deep down you don’t want to hurt her, not to mention keep yourself out of jail. If your mom and I are in a better place after what I did, then you and Bridget get to the same place, but you’ve gotta get help first.